Ferrous Processing

What is Ferrous Processing?

Ferrous scrap metal is the base metal that sticks to a magnet. MexLucky offers ferrous processing, buys and sells all grades of scrap metal, which creates a major benefit to our environment.

We provide expert ferrous processing services to a host of clients, including private businesses, demolition companies and the general public. Our trucks, cranes, excavators, car crushers, loggers and balers make it easy to process just about any material.

Your ferrous scrap metal can provide you with additional revenue, while providing all of us with a cleaner and healthier environment.

Call or visit any of our scrap yard or recycling centers for more information, or request a quote.

Need to know more about the differences between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals?


Top Dollar for Ferrous Scrap

We constantly monitor the market in order to offer top dollar in exchange for ferrous scrap metal. GLE pays top dollar for all ferrous materials by putting our knowledgeable staff and extensive equipment fleet to work for you.  We offer containers ranging from 10 to 80 yards in size to suit your site, maximize payload efficiencies, all to pay you more.

We offer a safe, clean, environmentally-friendly facilities filled with dedicated professional staff ready to help you!


Appliances (no Freon bearings)

Sheet Iron

Cast Iron


Steel Chips, Shavings or Turnings

Motor Blocks



Unprepared Iron


We offer a clean environmentally-friendly scrap yard that is safe and filled with dedicated professional staff wanting to help you. We will get you in safely and paid promptly.

Hear What Our Satisfied Customers Had To SAy

I’ve been going to the scrapyard for almost 15 years. Best scrapyard in Orlando. They pay top dollar. And are very helpful and knowledgeable. For my most recent times there Nick has been a great help and makes the experience more enjoyable. Thank you GLE!

Mike Aviles

Great prices and a clean lot that won't pop your tires. Helpful guiding staff.

Destry Jinks

Great experience. Very fair prices.

David Leavitt

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