Electronics Recycling

Our environmentally-friendly scrap yard and recycling facilities ensure all DE manufacturing process are recycled no matter their value– even at our own expense. Great Lakes Electronics is ISO 45001 & R2 certified and operates under the highest environmental standards.

Our Sister Company

At MexLucky, we work with our sister company, Great Lakes Electronics, to ensure that your used electronics can be recycled in an environmentally-friendly way, so the parts within them can be used to make new products. We recycle a wide range of electronics, including computers, printed circuit boards, telephone equipment, hard drives, networking equipment, servers, cell phones, VCRs, communications systems and more. Nothing gets wasted!

Environmentally Friendly

Our environmentally-friendly scrap yard and recycling facilities ensure all DE manufacturing process are recycled no matter their value– even at our own expense. Great Lakes Electronics is ISO 45001 & R2 certified and operates under the highest environmental standards.

Green Recycliing Policies

We care about the environment. Period. As we strive to be the best in our industry, we continually seek to improve our recycling process and empower our employees to become stewards for the environment.

We Provide Pickup Service

Whether you have 10 pieces or 10,000 pieces, we will send our fully insured team of removal specialists with all the tools needed to palletize, remove and transport your equipment. We provide a nationwide pickup service to help accommodate all of your organization’s branches. When material is back at one of our facilities, it will be inventoried, and all company identification and/or sensitive information will be removed and destroyed. A Certificate of Recycle/Reuse will be issued for each shipment.

Hear What Our Satisfied Customers Had To SAy

I’ve been going to the scrapyard for almost 15 years. Best scrapyard in Orlando. They pay top dollar. And are very helpful and knowledgeable. For my most recent times there Nick has been a great help and makes the experience more enjoyable. Thank you GLE!

Mike Aviles

Great prices and a clean lot that won't pop your tires. Helpful guiding staff.

Destry Jinks

Great experience. Very fair prices.

David Leavitt

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